The Art of Pranayama
Yoga discipline holds many practices for enlightenment and awareness, but the most primary one is Breath. Many people sip inhales, but in this class, learn what it means to truly Breathe!
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The Art of Pranayama
What is Pranayama?
Breath is a Learned Response
Prana is Life Force Energy
Diaphragmatic Breath
Heart Breath Meditation
Ujjayi Breath with So Hung Mantra
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Bhramari or Bee Breath
Sitali Breath
Whistle breath
Simhasana or Lion Breath
Breath of Fire
Sitkari or Teeth Hissing Breath
Vaskar Pranayam
Cannon Fire
{VIDEO} The Practice of Pranayama
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eBook Art-of-Pranayama-(PDF Download)